Terms and Conditions

General provisions

1. These general terms and conditions apply to all legal relationships (including quotations, (subsequent) agreements and all pre-contractual situations) between X-Wrap Groningen and any third party ("the client") that instructs X-Wrap Groningen to perform any activities by X-Wrap Groningen.

2. Changes and additions to any provision in the General Terms and Conditions or in every agreement to which they have been declared applicable ("the agreement") are only valid if X-Wrap Groningen. nl has expressly accepted them in writing. Changes and additions only apply to the relevant agreement(s).

3. If any provision of the General Terms and Conditions or the agreement is not valid, the other stipulations in the General Terms and Conditions or the agreement will remain in force for the rest. The relevant invalid provision will be replaced by another valid provision that will approximate the consequences intended by the invalid provision as closely as possible.



1. The agreement between X-Wrap Groningen and the client is concluded at the moment that the client instructs X-Wrap Groningen in writing or verbally for the performance of any services and X Wrap Groningen. nl accepts this command. With regard to the work for which, due to the nature and scope, no order confirmation is sent, the invoice also applies as order confirmation, which is deemed to represent the agreement correctly and completely.

2. All agreements and/or acts that are entered into or performed as a result of the provisions of 2.1, are entered into or performed in connection therewith, are deemed to be an implementation of the agreement.

3. In the case of orders or offers and promises from X-Wrap Groningen that have not been confirmed in writing by X-Wrap Groningen, unless the client proves otherwise, the explanation of the content and the tenor of the agreement will be exclusively provided by X-Wrap Groningen. given. If and insofar as the client wishes to derive rights from the assignment, the assignment must be confirmed in writing.

4. X-Wrap Groningen reserves the right to refuse orders without stating reasons.

5. X-Wrap Groningen is entitled – if X-Wrap Groningen deems this necessary or desirable – to engage third parties for the proper execution of the assignment, the costs of which will be passed on to the client.

6. Messages sent electronically only reach X-Wrap Groningen after X-Wrap Groningen has taken note of and confirmed the content. Orders issued electronically are binding on the customer without X-Wrap Groningen having to confirm them.



1. All offers, quotations, price lists, delivery times, etc. of X-Wrap Groningen are without obligation, unless the work to be performed has been recorded in a complete description, whether or not accompanied by a drawing or several drawings. The latter description/drawing(s) must be drawn up at the same time as the first-mentioned documents and must be attached to them. In that case, the description/drawing will be binding for both parties.

All quotations/offers are without obligation unless they contain a term for acceptance. If a quotation/offer contains a non-binding offer and this is accepted by the other party, X-Wrap Groningen has the right to revoke the offer within seven days after receipt of the acceptance. Price lists, brochures and other information (such as sizes, materials, colors, etc.) provided with an offer are stated as accurately as possible, but are only indicative. Unless stated otherwise, prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. Any assembly or installation work is always at the expense of the customer, unless otherwise agreed in advance.

3.1. If between the date of the conclusion of the agreement and the delivery the cost price of the ordered items/materials used increases and/or changes are made by the government and/or trade unions in wages, working conditions or social provisions, X-Wrap Groningen is entitled to to pass on increases to the other party. If between the aforementioned that a new price list is issued by X-Wrap Groningen and/or suppliers and comes into effect, X-Wrap Groningen is entitled to charge the prices stated therein to the other party, or to apply the provisions of the previous sentence. to fit.

3.2. In the event that the other party is a natural person who does not act in the course of a profession or business, price increases in the above-mentioned sense may be passed on/charged up to 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement. In the event of price increases in the shorter term, the other party is authorized to dissolve the agreement.

4. X-Wrap Groningen is authorized to engage third parties for the implementation of the agreed upon.


Delivery / Work performed

1. Delivery is not free of charge. Stated delivery times and periods within which work must be performed can never be regarded as strict deadlines, unless expressly agreed otherwise. In the event of late delivery/termination of the work, X-Wrap Groningen must therefore be given written notice of default.

2. In the case of partial delivery/performance of work, each delivery/stage is considered a separate transaction.

3. If it turns out to be impossible to deliver the goods to the other party, X-Wrap Groningen reserves the right, after it has given the other party notice of default and the term stated in the notice of default has expired, for the goods/materials used for the execution. of the work have been purchased at the expense and risk of the other party, or to destroy it at the expense of the other party. The foregoing does not affect the obligation of the other party to pay the purchase price.

4. Delivery takes place once at an address specified by the other party, even if the ordered goods are intended by the other party to be distributed over different addresses. In that case, the other party guarantees good accessibility of the destination/unloading location and is responsible for the unloading/unloading.

5. X-Wrap Groningen is authorized to demand advance payment or security from the other party with regard to the fulfillment of the other party's financial obligations before proceeding with delivery and/or commencing the work.

6. The manner of transport, shipment, packaging, etc. will be determined by X-Wrap Groningen if no further instructions have been provided by the customer. Any specific wishes of the customer with regard to transport/shipment will only be carried out if the customer has declared that he will bear the additional costs thereof.


Progress, Execution and Work

1. If the deliveries and/or work cannot take place normally or without interruptions due to causes through no fault of X-Wrap Groningen, X-Wrap Groningen is entitled to charge the other party for the resulting additional costs.

2. If during the execution of the works accepted by X-Wrap Groningen it appears that they are unworkable, either as a result of circumstances unknown to X-Wrap Groningen, or due to any force majeure whatsoever, X-Wrap Groningen has the right to claim that the order given to X-Wrap Groningen is changed in such a way that the execution of the work becomes possible, unless this will never be possible due to unknown circumstances or force majeure. X-Wrap Groningen is then entitled to full compensation for the work already performed by X-Wrap Groningen, any damage suffered and additional costs.

3. All expenses incurred by X-Wrap Groningen at the request of the other party will be fully borne by the latter, unless otherwise agreed in writing.